Service Details
Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter
Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter Dickson Plumbing & Gasfitting offer an Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter service in the event of an emergency. We can also provide pre-organized after-hours services when access and time restraints are an issue. Who knew? An Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter all […]

Complete Service Offer Details:
Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter
Dickson Plumbing & Gasfitting offer an Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter service in the event of an emergency. We can also provide pre-organized after-hours services when access and time restraints are an issue.
Who knew?
An Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter all within one Company.
Emergency Gas Repairs
We can find and repair gas leaks in pipelines or appliances. If you have a situation where your appliance requires parts for its repair we can sauce them also.
When you are detecting a light gas odour, it’s best to get it checked out by a qualified gas fitter ASAP. If the smell is very strong turn the gas off at its source and give us a call.
Gas Emergency Procedures
- Assess the level of safety for yourself and others! For a small gas leak try to identify where the source of the leak is coming from. If the leak may be from an appliance turn off the appliance isolation stop valve.
- If you cannot locate, or, you’re not sure if the leak has stopped, turn off the lever at the gas meter for Natural Gas. For LPG users shut down the gas flow from the bottles and in some cases LPG Gas Meter.
- Try to vent the room by opening windows and doors.
- For Larger leaks, if inside exit the building and try shutting down the gas flow from the source, call your gas supplier and a Gas repairer.
- In the case of a fire Call 000 and notify your Gas Supplier.
Gas Repairer
Dickson Plumbing & Gas Fitting provide Gas Repairs on the Sunshine Coast. We are based in Mountain Creek, near Brightwater estate. We service all areas of the Sunshine Coast, including Caloundra, Buderim, Wurtulla and Noosa. Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter is what we are known for locally.
Gas Fitting Emergency
Even if you have Googled Emergency Plumber and Emergency Gas Fitter – we can handle Gas Fitting Emergencies. Any small gas leak, please call us. A friendly gas fitter can guide you through it.
To identify a larger gas leak, please follow the Gas Emergency Procedure mentioned above.
What to do in the event of a burst water line?
1 If the location of the water meter is known, turn off the shut-off valve attached to the meter.
2 If you can not find the water meter then open all garden taps, and inside taps as you can. This will reduce the water pressure at the burst pipe and slow the leak down. (Note make sure you don’t overflow that fixture! You don’t want to make a flood). Then Call us for an Emergency plumber to come out to you!
Burst Hot Water Tank
3 If the location of your Hot Water Service is known turn the supply tap off to the hws. ( Note if it is only your HWS leaking you will only need to isolate the HWS supply and not at the meter.
4 Search for your water meter
In homes, they are mostly on either side of the front boundary. This can be about 1 meter inside or outside of the property line. Note they can be exposed or underground. If underground they should have some type of cover/lid over the top of them.
5 Units and Flats
Finding shut-off valves in units can be a little harder. First start by looking under your sink, basin, or laundry tub.
Shut-off valves can also be in a cupboard with the hot water service. The last place to look inside would be along the walls. Try and find some kind of hatch or access panel.
In the event nothing can be found, you will need to search outside and shut down the complex water supply.
Note: Some shut-off valves at the main will not turn off. In this event contact Unitywater Emergencies
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